Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mayfair in a Pool of Light, 7x5" pastel

This is another pastel from one of my favorite shots of our yellow Labrador, Mayfair.  She recently died this past April. I took many photographs of her. This one was right at dusk and the sun was filtering through the leaves. Mayfair was investigating all the smells in the earth. There was a quiet hush in this precious moment. I have painted several art works of her since she died. She was such a sweet girl, patient and loving. I'm sure that I will continue painting more pictures of her.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shell Wave, 8x10" pastel

One of my favorite patterns in nature is a spiral. This painting explores spirals found in both waves and sea shells. "Shell Wave" is a painting of a wave in the shape of shells rolling in to the land. The title of the painting and the signature is in the lower right corner.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lydia Spots a Rabbit, 7x5" oil on canvas - SOLD

Lydia is our adopted sweetie from the Humane Society.  She loves to watch out the window for little critters.  When she spots something, she runs all over the house from window to window reporting to us the news.  Rabbits are her favorite entertainment.  To bid on this oil at ebay.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Leaving the Swamp, 10x8" pastel - SOLD

This pastel is a celebration of working through and leaving behind intense negative emotions; letting go of them; giving them to God; letting go, letting God. I could just as well write "The Divine", or "All that Is" or any other reference to the Higher Power. The boatman is steering out of the swamp; but the swamp also produces the most beautiful flowers, waterlilies that grow out of the muck.  To bid on this pastel at ebay.